Providing Vigorous Criminal Defense And Personalized Attention For 30 Years

A Diligent Defense For Those Facing Cyber Crimes

In the digital era, cyber crime has become a robust area of focus for state and federal law enforcement. Accusations of internet-related crimes are no less serious than other categories of criminal charges. In fact, many are federal felonies that can result in a significant prison sentence.

If you are under investigation or facing charges for cybercrime, please contact The Katz Law Group LLC in Georgia. Our lawyers can stand as a shield between you and law enforcement or the prosecution. We can ensure that you don’t incriminate yourself or give up important rights. And we can help you pursue the strongest strategy for avoiding charges, getting a dismissal, negotiating a favorable plea deal or pursuing a not-guilty verdict at trial.

We treat you as more than just a criminal case. Our lawyers take a holistic approach toward protecting your whole person, addressing the many ways cyber crime charges can impact all areas of your life.

Common Types Of Cyber Crimes

Cyber crime is a broad category of white collar offenses that includes charges at both the state and federal levels such as:

  • Identity theft
  • Trade secret theft
  • Cyberbullying, stalking and harassment
  • Money laundering offenses
  • Fraud
  • Criminal defamation
  • Criminal privacy breaches
  • Criminal hacking
  • And more

If you’re an employer or business owner, any of these charges can damage your career, your professional license and the future of your business. Our lawyers can help you safeguard everything you have worked so hard to establish.

Work With Proven Advocates For The Accused

When you work with our team, you will benefit from 30-plus years of experience navigating the ins and outs of the criminal justice system. We have the skillset it takes to fight complex charges such as cyber crimes.

We encourage you to reach out to us today to learn more about how we can protect you. Call 770-870-5344 to reach our office in Atlanta.